We are cooking Sadza ne Nyama Ye Huku in Zimbabwe

Sadza ne Nyama Ye Huku refers simply to Zimbabwean thick corn porridge served with chicken or meat stew. And our very own Zimbabwe ministry leader, Cozmore, is preparing this dish for thousands of children.

Anesu loves the swing daddy Cozmore built. Apparently, Mommy Laizah has also been spotted on it!

We praise the Lord for our dedicated ministry partners, like you.

Our feeding efforts—to help support the suffering during these exceptionally tough economic times—would never have been realized without your loving engagement.

Your support has helped feed more than 8,000 struggling people through just two of our many feeding points, run by a multitude of ministry managers in South Africa.

Our ministry in Zimbabwe is “cooking,” figuratively and literally.

We praise the Lord that the allotment of land to establish a ministry headquarters and Gospel outreach center has been finalized. We are praying that we do not experience any unwanted surprises. We will soon be able to establish our second milling operation on this land. But we first need a borehole and fence. After all, wild animals roam freely!

We have been feeding the suffering mainly in the rural areas, where people often are neglected due to their almost nonexistent road infrastructure, lack of proximity to food resources, and the extremely low impact these areas have on local politics.

Aside from this difficult ministry, which has hammered our vehicle and trailer, Cozmore is now leading a massive feeding scheme, drawing together local business, government, church pastors, and ministry leaders, as well as educational institutions, to feed 4,500 schoolchildren in the town of Victoria Falls.

“Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise.”

Feeding locations are being prepared and firewood arranged. Local businesses have donated the use of their commercial kitchens (which are temporarily closed). Their executive chefs are training our volunteers, cutting vegetables, cooking sadza and rice, and rotating menus every three days to ensure our guests a balanced diet.

Children are asked to come with a container to hold food. We are also requesting local donations of  plastic containers to assist those that do not have. Children will not eat onsite, but rather be issued food, then leave to avoid crowds of more than 50, upholding social distancing.

Identification of malnourished children is of paramount importance; they will be blessed with bags of nutritional supplements to take home.

National COVID-19 hygiene regulations will be followed.

The Gospel and discipleship opportunities that will be forthcoming from “loving our neighbor” through this ministry are inestimable.

“Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8

We appreciate your ongoing support and prayers for this groundbreaking ministry in Zimbabwe.

We are grateful for your investment in the lives of those who will never be able to repay you monetarily, but you can be assured that they will thank their Father in Heaven for His followers who make a difference in their young lives!

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