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Charl van Wyk is a Christian missionary, author, and activist in Africa.

Charl partners with multiple Christian organizations, churches (across various denominations), pastors and missionaries. Together they are dedicated to ministering God’s Word whilst working towards reformation – building generations of Christ-centered, servant leaders taking action in this broken world.

Missionary in Africa is engaged in a new war – a battle to establish kingdom-focused covenant communities in Southern and Central Africa. Their pro-active stance is on educating the Church and renewing minds with a Biblical worldview. This is all done with the intention of furthering the Gospel of the Kingdom, by discipleship and community development.

Charl and his team are creating hope, changing minds, and giving purpose.

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"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations ... teaching them to observe all that I have commanded of you." Matthew 28:18-19

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