He cares, even in this darkest moment

…has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom…” James 2:5

“Oh my! Ohh, Uncle Charl”

“I am out of words, oh my! I am so sorry for the emotions. Last night I was in prayer, seeing the devastation of our community.

“I do not know what to say; I am profoundly grateful from the bottom of my heart. I am in tears as I am writing this email. People will know that our God is alive, and He cares even in this darkest moment.”

These words were written by one of our feeding ministry managers.

I chatted to multiple African Christian leaders who expressed the pain and suffering their people were experiencing due to the Corona lockdown.

Literally hours after sending out our email newsletter “This is a massive endeavor”, Steve Evers, executive director of In Touch Mission International, reached me over a crackling phone line. “We have ministry partners phoning our office wanting to partner with you. They want to help feed their neighbors!”

Messages started flowing, including positive comments on social media and more encouraging details from Steve. Ministry friends felt like they wanted to—and now could—do more. I was overwhelmed by the love and concern shown by our ministry partners. Just like those at the introduction of this correspondence quoting our pastor friend above.

The response was incredible and sparked some profound introspection for me. Goodness gracious, I thought, our challenges are not their challenges. People have enough problems of their own; why would they choose to help our people in far-flung Africa?

Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.” Proverbs 22:9

The way of Jesus Christ is a different way of seeing and interacting with the world. He puts compassion into the hearts of His people. Moreover, His people show empathy, an attribute almost unrecognizable in Africa.

The dynamic leaders of ITMI wasted no time. Just 24 hours after our email went out, ITMI wired us funds. Just 24 hours after, the wire cleared, and we could immediately relieve the suffering.

Soon thereafter we had paid for and we were awaiting the delivery of 13 metric tons of maize meal to feed around 5,000 struggling people.

Before Jesus fed the 5,000 who gathered to hear from Him, He first dismissed His disciples’ suggestions that He send them to the villages to buy food.

“But Jesus said, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”” (Matthew 14: 16) Then he took the five loaves and two fish, blessed them, and multiplied them so that there was more than enough left over.

Jesus fed these 5,000 through you when you heeded His call on your heart.

Rather than loaves and fishes, we witnessed local businessmen—all struggling under the same circumstances—help with key contacts, free transport, free storage and free manpower to make this massive endeavor a realty in the lives of people who reside in tin shacks, and feel forgotten by their government and world.

But they are not forgotten by the Lord of Lords.

Whoever gives to the poor will not want…” Proverbs 28:27

Those who have come to faith in Jesus Christ, over the many years of our team teaching and relating the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and serving their community, jumped into action. They are no longer just recipients, but fellow workers in Christ’s Kingdom. Their love for their neighbor and their servant hearts are something incredible to behold. How powerful is this Gospel? Powerful enough to change hard hearts of hatred, drunkenness and sordid deeds to love, service and joy in the Lord!

Our multiple projects are not just about feeding hungry people, who after being fed today, will be hungry again tomorrow. This is about showing that the Body of Christ is His minister of grace, teaching that we have been saved to do good works, that “people will know that our God is alive, and He cares even in this darkest moment.” Most of all, it is about the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Our ministry feeding project managers are all well-established, Gospel-driven disciples of Jesus Christ.

Your Gospel impact, from your prayers and financial support, includes the following, reported by our ministry partners:

  • A newspaper article featured one partner, who now has starving people arriving at his home for food
  • Six people led to faith in Christ
  • Groups of 50 people at a time being fed outside a church
  • 5,000 people fed in one location
  • 10 families in one situation and five families being fed after their tin shack homes were decimated by fire
  • A pregnant mother with no food – blessed
  • Reading of Scripture to recipients of food
  • Leading family devotions in homes when delivering food parcels
  • Gospel tracts distributed
  • Public prayers by food managers and on and on!

We are all aware that this ministry project could not have taken place without every single one of you, our amazing partners.

Thank you for showing your love for Jesus Christ in this way!

The need is greater than ever, and you can make a life-changing difference for a struggling family with a monthly gift.

Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe. The banking challenges of the country and lack of foreign exchange is making it exceedingly difficult for us to get funds into the hands of our ministry partners. Christian families living in rural areas are suffering most.

Just to give you an idea of how serious our ministry partners are – after 3 weeks of being unable to receive funds, my Zimbabwean colleague drove 270 miles, and slept in a bank queue overnight, so that he could draw funds with which to feed the suffering.

On behalf of our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe—and the millions of suffering Christians struggling to survive during this crisis—I’d like to ask for your urgent help.

Would you consider giving monthly and joining our ministry partner community?

When you join the program, your support will meet urgent needs like emergency relief and food parcel relief kits—and beyond that, your monthly gift will help provide long-term ministry support, Biblical discipleship, Gospel outreaches, so the body of Christ doesn’t just survive, but thrives.

We anticipate this crisis will not be over soon. And your Christian family needs your help.

I already know you have a heart for your suffering family, in Christ—that’s why I’m asking.

Will you take a leap onto the frontlines of suffering Christians to let our brothers and sisters know we’re standing with them during this unprecedented time of need?

Thank you and God bless you.

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