We are working towards alleviating hunger, by farming vegetables and distributing to our feeding ministries.
Missionary In Africa started Project Joseph, inspired by Joseph’s story in Genesis: his fore sight and wisdom from God, helped feed thousands over the 7 years of extreme drought. God is always providing.
“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.”
Isaiah 58:10
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Location: Stone Hill, Cape Town, South Africa
- Sharing the Gospel while meeting basic needs – supporting not only the physical health but also the spiritual health of those in need.
- To create job opportunities by teaching farming and sustainability to those in need – God’s Way! Locals will be taught how to copy our veggie growing model.
- We are reducing the danger of food contamination.
- Saving money and minimizing food wastage.
- Supplying our soup kitchens with weekly vegetables.
- Continued financial support; for being able to feed the suffering daily, as well as for future boreholes (access to clean water is of absolute importance).
- Your prayers and donations help with demonstrating and declaring the Gospel! Project Joseph is ensuring the opportunity to build long-term relationships and continue discipleship; all with our ministry partners’ help!
Support Our Projects
Help our organization by donating today! All donations go directly to making a difference.