Conference, Covid, and All!

“…I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” 
Jude 3

What was intended as a Pastors’ Conference became an impactful Christian Leaders Conference! Here are some of the comments from the attendees: 

I was just coming because I thought I had some time on my hands. Little did I know that I was coming for my healing. I am healed! I have attended Christian Leader conferences before, but this one was different. I’m literally a new man!

I had to fight to come here, and I see why there was such a fight. I am delivered.

I learnt a lot, especially about myself.

I have no words, except to say ‘POWERFUL’.”

Powerful lessons, this surely must be continued with.”

I learnt a lot, even among ourselves as a group. I learnt a lot from the presenters; they know their story and it’s clear this is their lifestyle. I also learnt a lot from the attendees.

The conference was an eye-opener for me in many respects, especially in forgiveness. That touched me a lot.

One elderly pastor told me that from the coming Sunday his congregation was going to hear from a new pastor. He had phoned his wife and was traveling straight from the conference to go make right with his uncle and two sisters!

A BIG thank you to every ministry partner who contributed to making our conference a huge success for the furthering of the Gospel of God’s Kingdom!

Amidst the many spiritual attacks, our organizing team, guest speakers, and attendees all endured, Sonja and I went down with Covid, but praise the Lord we are healthy and back to ministry.   

Our love and thanks to Steve Evers and Ron Kronz who traveled around the world to bless our friends with the teaching of God’s Word, excellent ministry materials, and encouragement that will change the way many have ‘done church’. 

Ron and Steve, thank you for navigating the new protocols, during this time of unprecedented challenges with international travel, to help us fight the good fight of the faith! 

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